304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Our Journey

Mini Car Depot (MCD) originates from China, nestled in the city of Shantou, renowned as the “Toy Capital of China.” We specialize in the sale of die-cast car models, dedicated to providing collectors and enthusiasts around the globe with a vast and finely crafted selection of vehicle models.

At the heart of the world’s toy capital, MCD has established a standardized, modern cloud warehouse that spans over 2,000 square meters, supported by a professional team of more than forty employees. Our operations are backed by an outstanding operational team and a top-tier management team, working together to produce models of exceptional quality and variety.

MCD delves deep into the field of die-cast car models, forging close partnerships with many of China’s top die-cast model brands, benefiting from direct supply advantages to ensure the highest quality products for our customers. Our efficient and professional operations team focuses on expanding into international markets and serving overseas buyers, earning widespread trust and high praise from consumers.

Every order, from placement to delivery, is meticulously managed at every step to ensure transparency and traceability, offering our customers peace of mind and making sales effortless. MCD is not just a specialist in car model sales but a trusted partner for every model car enthusiast.

The Production Line

Crafting Excellence, One Car at a Time